Crown And Bridge
Bonded crowns are made using non-precious, palladium based or gold alloys.
The ceramics used are Shofu, Creation and Noritake. The types of alloys and ceramic you prefer should be indicated with your instruction. Please give as much detail as possible regarding shade, effects and finish you require. The type of margin you require should also be indicated such as metal margins or porcelain butt fit.
It is also advisable to have metal frameworks tried into check the fit prior to proceeding to the ceramic stage, especially with large span bridgework and implant cases.
3 metal ceramic crowns on pick up model.
Full arch metal ceramic using metal collars and porcelain butt margins.
Metal ceramic crown UR 4. Digital images supplied for shade. Crown was constructed with porcelain butt margin.
Metal ceramic crown for UR 5 on yellow gold post and core. The crown had a porcelain butt margin buccally and again digital photographs were supplied for shade.
Metal ceramic crown for UR 4 with porcelain butt margin buccally.
Questions about Crown and Bridge?
Call us on 0141 889 2228 or
Alternatively email us at